Some food for thought about resisting external pressure and going your own way.
Making your way in the world can be difficult at times.
You try to learn and make good choices. You try to tread a meaningful path toward success.
There are many people who can help you along this path if you reach out to them.
There are also many people who will try to dictate what route your path should take.
They will try to set your goals and direction for you.
These people may mean you well or they may mean you harm.
Either way, their way will likely not be the very best way for you.
You effectively have two choices at this point:
Choice 1 - You can be driven by external pressure and do what you are told, or
Choice 2 - You can fully educate yourself about available options & potential outcomes, then you can choose your own goals & directions.
Each of these choices will have consequences.
Going with choice one and letting others set your life's agenda means that you can avoid all responsibility for the outcomes, even if you don't like them.
It's an easier choice because you can always blame someone else.
This is classic victim mentality.
This life choice is easy but offers you no personal power whatsoever.
Going with choice two means you have to fully own your choices and the resultant outcomes.
This is a harder choice because you are now responsible for your own life and outcomes.
This is classic proactive mentality.
This life choice is hard but offers you maximum personal power.
In my early "victim" years I was always drawn to choice one.
Now it's choice two all the way for me. My life - my rules.
Hopefully that's offered you some food for thought.
BTW Here's an in-depth article on the topic of total ownership which you can check out on my main blog:
All the very best to you on your self-confidence journey.
Andrew D Pope.
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