Something for you to ponder upon and cogitate over this week about your internal blockers to success.
Whilst it's true to say that there are many external blockers to your goal achievement and success, with creative problem solving, hard work and time, you can overcome many if not all of these.
There is, however, a far more pervasive and much stronger type of barrier to success which you need to be aware of.
The internal barrier.
In my experience at least, the biggest barriers to my goal achievement and success were between my own ears.
My own thoughts and mindsets could derail many projects and ambitions.
They prevented many of my plans from even getting started.
The solution is to identify negativity then reduce it, or even eliminate it from your life.
Sounds easy when I say it like that, doesn't it?
It is relatively straightforward to do.
Simply notice when a thought or mindset you hold is negative and replace it with a more positive one.
What is not so easy is making a commitment to this and then acting on that commitment consistently over time.
This takes hard work and effort.
Many people don't like the hard work and effort part of the solution.
If you embrace the hard work and effort, you will become part of a wonderful group of people.
You will join the self-confident, emotionally intelligent and successful group of people who are able and willing to remove their internal barriers.
You can use your extra mental and emotional capacity to work harder on any external goal barriers.
Hopefully that's offered you some food for thought.
All the very best to you & yours
Andrew D Pope.
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