This week I’m offering you a thought-provoking question to ask yourself along with a simple model to help you answer it:
"What am I spending my time on and why?"
During your fast-paced life, it's essential to take a step back regularly and consciously focus on the things which truly matter to you.
Your self-confidence grows when you feel on track with your goals. Having a clear destination and a value-aligned route map allows you to focus your efforts with maximum effectiveness.
Controlling how you spend your time matters.
The powerful question, "What am I spending my time on and why?" can be usefully addressed using what I call the 3P Model - Pause, Ponder, and Prioritise.
This simple yet profound inquiry model encourages introspection and prompts you to stop and evaluate how you allocate your most precious resource: time.
I recommend doing this regularly as a global analysis of where you are activity-wise and more locally whenever a new activity opportunity presents itself.
The first step is Pause.
By pausing to consider this time allocation question, you can gain valuable insights into your priorities. You can adjust and rebalance your activities. You can even uncover new opportunities for personal growth.
The second step is Ponder.
Start by asking yourself, and honestly answering, these questions:
• Are your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly activities aligned with your long-term goals and aspirations?
• Are you dedicating enough time to the people, hobbies, and pursuits that bring you joy?
• Have you ever found yourself caught up in a whirlwind of busyness without truly considering why?
• Do you say “No” to often enough activities which work against your goals and aspiration?
• Does this activity help or hinder my overall progress?
The third step is Prioritise.
Apart from things which you might have no immediate control over*, such as working to pay the rent of buy food for example, you can now prioritise your discretionary time. You can drop any non-value add activities based on your goals and objectives.
Using this model serves as a compass for conscious decision-making. It's a trigger to live more intentionally rather than simply going through the motions.
Remember, every moment is an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. By consciously examining how you spend your time, you can cultivate a life filled with purpose, fulfilment, and meaningful progress.
* By considering the question, “"What am I spending my time on and why?" along with a few others, you might in time begin to create an alternative earning plan which does fit better with your aims and values.
Hopefully that's offered you some food for thought about how you are spending your valuable and finite time.
All the very best to you and yours
Andrew D Pope.
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