A quick tip about controlling automatic emotional responses.
Positive and negative events of varying magnitudes and strengths happen to you many times during your life. That's how the world works.
You will have developed many coping mechanisms and strategies for dealing with these events in the most appropriate manner.
Some of these will be automatic responses. Most of the time they serve us well.
Sometimes they don't.
It doesn't have to be this way. When appropriate we can choose to apply some control to our emotional responses to things.
So, you can’t always control the events themselves, but you can often control your reactions and responses to those events.
One excellent approach is to use an approach called the STOP technique.
Give it a go - it only takes a few seconds, and the results can be excellent. A lot less drama is a good thing.
Here's a more in-depth article on the topic which you can check out on my main blog: https://wp.me/p2kd5B-PX
All the very best to you & yours
Andrew D Pope.
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